
Yubo Outage Map

Currrent Server Status = OK

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Yubo Outage

Yubo Outage Map in last 30 days

(Average Rating 2.7 Based on 9 rating)
Most Reported Problems
  • Server connection
  • Can't Connect
  • Log in
  • Log-in
  • Can't see lives
Most Reported City
  • California (100%)

having issues with Yubo?

Yubo Contact Number

Not Available

Yubo Support Email

having issues post your comment?

  • 15-Oct,2021

    Isn’t working

  • 19-Aug,2021
    Log in

    Can’t see lives

  • 26-Jul,2021
    Log in

    Can't see conversation

  • 26-Jul,2021

    it says that i've gotten unblocked but I just made the account yesterday and haven't done anything on it besides fix my profile

  • 07-Jun,2021

    It won’t let me swipe right anymore

  • 11-May,2021
    Server connection

    no server available when i try to go live

  • 08-Mar,2021
    Log in

    Can't swipe

  • 06-Mar,2021

    swipes will not work

  • 06-Mar,2021

    cannot swipe at all, new account, on android

  • 02-Mar,2021
    I Can't Swipe

    The app won't let me swipe at all

  • 25-Feb,2021

    Cant send Message and i just Get fail gateway

  • 19-Feb,2021

    it won't let me swipe left or right not in the way that i don't have swipes it just won't swipe I can look through the profile just not swipe