
CenturyLink Outage Map

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CenturyLink Outage

CenturyLink Outage Map in last 30 days

(Average Rating 1.0 Based on 2 rating)
Most Reported Problems
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  • Internet
  • No Connection
Most Reported City
  • California (100%)

having issues with CenturyLink?

CenturyLink Contact Number

080661 63301

CenturyLink Support Email

having issues post your comment?

  • 30-Sep,2023
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    No internet in Farmington NM

  • 16-Apr,2023
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    There is a tree on the line from a tornado that went through. We need to get the tree out of the road but don't want to break the line leaving our neigh ors without phones or internet. The pole has been broken off as well.

  • 28-Mar,2023

    Tired of paying for 15 mbps and only getting 1 mbps, got an upgrade an its worse, refund my money