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Square down today. (UTC timezone : 11:36:30)
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Cannot log in, view appointments or process payments since 12:30 Pacific time.
Our square won’t process anything today since around noon CST
Can’t process card payments or view reports
Cannot process payments
I cannot even login to go on a offline mode, so disappointing. Losing so much money.
Square is not working at all. I can’t login on the website. I can’t process payments on the app. I’m very not happy.
having issues post your comment?
Cannot log in, view appointments or process payments since 12:30 Pacific time.
Our square won’t process anything today since around noon CST
Can’t process card payments or view reports
Cannot process payments
I cannot even login to go on a offline mode, so disappointing. Losing so much money.
Square is not working at all. I can’t login on the website. I can’t process payments on the app. I’m very not happy.