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AliExpress down today. (UTC timezone : 06:23:46)
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Can't load cart and can't contact customer service, page not loading
Site down
Doesn't load or update my cart
I press category and get sent to a page where no results were found...
not loading
Loading in Russian language
Do not appear, looks down
Paying for orders is a problem, even after card number input, still won't go through. Sometimes country's list doesn't show up
Site is down
Mobile app for android doesn't response
having issues post your comment?
Can't load cart and can't contact customer service, page not loading
Site down
Doesn't load or update my cart
I press category and get sent to a page where no results were found...
not loading
Loading in Russian language
Do not appear, looks down
Paying for orders is a problem, even after card number input, still won't go through. Sometimes country's list doesn't show up
Site is down
Mobile app for android doesn't response