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Apple News down today. (UTC timezone : 11:23:30)
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News has been down since evening if 11/3/20. Can’t load on either iPhone or iPad. Live in San Bernardino CA. What’s wrong?
News down all day in California.
Absolute f****** joke. You think they would have fixed this by now.
No links.
No content at all. Fifth time this month. Why would I continue to pay money for this?
Been happening all the time lately. What a joke.
Problem with server or network. Is it apple or my internet provider.
Nothing works lately. Apple News is an absolute piece.
Articles not refreshing/loading. Connections to other apps no problem
Not updating and when I do click on a link it says story unavailable there may be s problem with the server. Tried reinstalling didn’t work
Not loading
White screen. Been down for an hour
having issues post your comment?
News has been down since evening if 11/3/20. Can’t load on either iPhone or iPad. Live in San Bernardino CA. What’s wrong?
News down all day in California.
Absolute f****** joke. You think they would have fixed this by now.
No links.
No content at all. Fifth time this month. Why would I continue to pay money for this?
Been happening all the time lately. What a joke.
Problem with server or network. Is it apple or my internet provider.
Nothing works lately. Apple News is an absolute piece.
Articles not refreshing/loading. Connections to other apps no problem
Not updating and when I do click on a link it says story unavailable there may be s problem with the server. Tried reinstalling didn’t work
Not loading
White screen. Been down for an hour