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Dish Network down today. (UTC timezone : 04:25:31)
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No info channel guide
No signal since before 5am cst
No local channels
No tv.85032 zip code in Phoenix Arizona
No tv all day. Screen is black.
Went to change channel and everything blank out on all channel. Husband ran diagnostics multiple times and still in hold after two hours
Hopper says "acquiring signal" for the past 4 hours.
Trouble all day. No signal. 7/21/23
CBS out on DISH!
What’s going on?
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No info channel guide
No signal since before 5am cst
No local channels
No tv.85032 zip code in Phoenix Arizona
No tv all day. Screen is black.
Went to change channel and everything blank out on all channel. Husband ran diagnostics multiple times and still in hold after two hours
Hopper says "acquiring signal" for the past 4 hours.
Trouble all day. No signal. 7/21/23
CBS out on DISH!
What’s going on?