I3 Broadband

I3 Broadband Outage Map

Currrent Server Status = OK

I3 Broadband Current Status


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I have a problem with I3 Broadband

I3 Broadband Outage

I3 Broadband Outage Map in last 30 days

(Average Rating 3.3 Based on 6 rating)
Most Reported Problems
  • No Connection
  • Log in
  • App
  • Website
  • Log-in
Most Reported City
  • California (94%)
  • Kansas City (3%)
  • Springfield (3%)

having issues with I3 Broadband?

I3 Broadband Contact Number

1 877-976-0711

I3 Broadband Support Email


having issues post your comment?

  • 25-Mar,2024
    No Connection

    Went down about 3:00pm in Chesterfield, MO

  • 02-Mar,2024
    No Connection

    Network is down hard, with all Nodes showing Offline. H/W has been power cycled with no results. Security System is down due to no WiFi connection. Could use some help.

  • 14-Jan,2024
    No Connection

    62704 Springfield IL

  • 19-Dec,2023
    Log in

    No internet Warren 02885

  • 18-Dec,2023
    No Connection

    No internet 63301

  • 04-Nov,2023
    No Connection

    Is there a connection issue in Warren 02885?

  • 04-Nov,2023
    Log in

    No connection for two days now

  • 28-Oct,2023
    No Connection

    Soccer starts in 19 min and I have no connection

  • 28-Oct,2023
    No Connection

    Internet down in Dunlap. 61525

  • 28-Oct,2023
    No Connection

    Internet down. No connection

  • 28-Oct,2023
    No Connection

    5:30 AM in 61616

  • 28-Oct,2023
    No Connection

    Internet down Champaign, IL 5:00am