* if you have down problem please report below.
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Wave Broadband down today. (UTC timezone : 04:57:18)
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Internet down since 130pm pst in Turner, Or. CSR said they didn't know what caused it & no idea when it'll be back up.
Out in Lyons, OR
Out in Stayton
Internet outage in Alger WA, Alger Cain Lake Rd.
tv won't stream just circles. websites load slowly or not at all. June 18, 2023 12:42am
No service in Canby, OR
Internet down in Silverton Oregon
No service
No connection
Willamina Oregon
Granite falls out and out this is sad power is on
having issues post your comment?
Internet down since 130pm pst in Turner, Or. CSR said they didn't know what caused it & no idea when it'll be back up.
Out in Lyons, OR
Out in Stayton
Internet outage in Alger WA, Alger Cain Lake Rd.
tv won't stream just circles. websites load slowly or not at all. June 18, 2023 12:42am
No service in Canby, OR
Internet down in Silverton Oregon
No service
No connection
Willamina Oregon
Granite falls out and out this is sad power is on